In January 2021, Telegram overtook Tiktok as the most downloaded non-gaming app. This information has been found in the report of the sensor tower. The messaging platform has been installed over 63 million, which is 3.8 times more downloads as of January 2020. The app has clearly benefited from the new privacy policy of WhatsApp, which created controversy and many users have started exploring options instead of adopting terms and conditions.
While Telegram was the most downloaded non-gaming app on the Play Store, it has been ranked fourth on Apple’s App Store. On iOS devices, TicketLock is still the most downloaded app in January 2021, followed by YouTube and the video conferencing app Zoom. Overall, TicketTalk downloads exceeded 10 million in the previous month.
Telegram rose from the ninth position in December 2020 to the first position in January 2021. Out of 63 million downloads, 24 per cent are from India, followed by 10 per cent in Indonesia.