New Delhi: NHAI has decided that it will no longer have to maintain minimum balance in Fastag. This facility is only for cars, jeeps or vans, not for commercial vehicles.
According to information received from the National Highways Authority of India, now the banks issuing FASTAG cannot make it mandatory to keep any minimum balance other than security deposit. Earlier various banks were also asking to keep minimum balance in addition to security deposit in Fastag. Some banks were asking to keep a minimum balance of Rs 150 and some banks of Rs 200. Being a minimum balance, many FASTag users were not allowed to pass through a toll plaza, despite having sufficient balance in their FASTag account / wallet. As a result, there were non-urgent noises at the toll plaza.
The NHAI has now decided that the user will now be allowed to pass through the toll plaza as long as there is a negative balance in the FASTag account / wallet. Even if there is less money in the Fastag account, the car will be allowed to cross the toll plaza. Even after crossing the toll plaza, why the Fastag account does not become negative. If the customer does not recharge it, then the bank can recover the negative account amount from the security deposit.