Mumbai: Sebi on Wednesday said that it has banned Kishore Biyani and some other promoters of Future Retail Ltd from the security market for a year. He has told that he has done this to join Insider Trading in the shares of the company. Kishore Biyani, who is the CMD and promoter of Future Retail Limited (FRL), the others facing a ban are Future Corporate Resources Pvt Ltd, Anil Biyani and FCRL Employee Welfare Trust.
Apart from this, the regulator has imposed a fine of Rs 1 crore each on Kishore Biyani, Anil Biyani and Future Corporate Resources. With this, they have been asked to give 17.78 crores for the wrong profits made by them.
Further, Future Corporate Resources and FCRL Employees Welfare Trust have been directed to pay 2.75 crore for the profits made by them wrongly. Anil Biyani and Future Corporate Resources are promoters of FRL. With this, both were directors on the board of Biyani Future Corporate Resources. The FCRL Employee Welfare Trust is a trust created by Future Corporate Resources.
SEBI had conducted an investigation into the scrip of FRL to find out whether some individuals and units had traded on the basis of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI) during the period from 10 March 2017 to 20 April 2017, which would be part of any Was related to the separation of business. Trading on the basis of UPSI violates the provisions of PIT (Restriction on Insider Trading).