When unexpected financial needs arise, a personal loan can be a quick solution. While interest rates tend to be on the higher side, they provide a timely infusion of funds. Securing a personal loan is especially straightforward for salaried individuals, requiring documents like salary slips, bank statements, and ID proofs.
Document Requirements:
- Past three months’ salary slips
- Bank statement
- ID proof (e.g., Aadhaar card or driving license)
- Income tax return (ITR) proof in some cases (26AS and AIS)
Impact of MCLR Changes:
Recent increases in Marginal Cost of Lending Rates (MCLR) by certain banks have influenced borrower EMIs.
Lowest Interest Rates from Top Banks:
HDFC Bank:
Interest: 10.5% to 24%
Processing fee: ₹4,999
Interest: 10.65% to 16%
Processing fee: Up to 2.5% of loan amount + taxes
Tenure: 12 to 72 months
Kotak Mahindra Bank:
Interest: Starting at 10.99% per annum
Processing fee: Up to 3% of the loan amount
No specified upper limit on interest rates
IndusInd Bank:
Interest: 10.25% to 26%
Processing fee: Up to 3%
Tenure: 12 to 72 months
State Bank of India (SBI):
Interest (Government employees): 11.30% to 13.80%
Interest (Corporate employees): 12.3% to 14.3%
Interest (Defence forces): 11.15% to 12.65%
Bank of Baroda (BOB):
Interest (Government employees): Starting at 11.90%
Interest (Corporate employees): 12.40%
Maximum interest: 16.75%
When considering a personal loan, understanding the interest rates and associated charges is crucial. Different banks cater to diverse needs, and borrowers should carefully compare options before making a decision. Always be aware of the tenure, processing fees, and any additional costs to make an informed choice that suits your financial situation.
Note: Rates and fees are subject to change; always check with the respective banks for the latest information.